As we inch more into the summer months, our focus shifts to one of the most critical components of our commercial spaces: the rooftop units. These unsung heroes of comfort work tirelessly above our heads, ensuring our restaurants and retail stores remain the cool havens our customers expect them to be during the scorching heat. But as temperatures rise, so does the strain on these units, making them vulnerable to breakdowns at the worst possible times.

Fear not, for we bring you a checklist that’s akin to sunscreen for your rooftop units—designed to protect them against the harsh summer elements and ensure they operate smoothly throughout the season.

1. Start with a Comprehensive Inspection 

Before the heatwave hits, give your rooftop units a thorough check-up. Look for any signs of wear and tear, such as corroded fittings, frayed wires, or leaks. Ensure that all components are in good working condition and address any repairs promptly. Remember, catching issues early can save you from a world of heat (quite literally) down the line.

2. Clean or Replace Filters Regularly 

This cannot be overstated: clean filters are the lungs of your rooftop units. Dirty filters not only strain the system, leading to higher energy consumption and potential breakdowns, but they also significantly reduce air quality inside your premises. Check filters monthly during peak usage times and replace them as needed to keep the air flowing smoothly and efficiently.

3. Ensure Proper Airflow 

Obstructions around your rooftop units can hinder airflow, making them work harder than necessary and shortening their lifespan. Make sure there’s nothing blocking the units and that vents are clear of debris. A little breathing room can go a long way in maintaining optimal function.

4. Schedule Professional Maintenance 

While regular inspections and cleanings can be handled in-house, it’s crucial to have your rooftop units professionally serviced at least once a year. A certified technician can perform a deeper inspection, calibrate the system, and identify any potential issues that may not be visible to the untrained eye. Think of it as a detailed health check-up for your units.

5. Implement Shade Strategies 

Just like humans, rooftop units can benefit from a little shade. Consider installing protective covers or shading devices that can help reduce direct sun exposure. This doesn’t mean completely covering your units (they still need good airflow!), but strategic shading can prevent overheating and improve efficiency.

6. Upgrade to an Energy Management System 

If you haven’t already, investing in energy management systems, like GridPoint Intelligence, can be a game-changer for managing your rooftop units. These systems allow for more precise temperature control, adapt to usage patterns, and can be monitored remotely. Not only does this improve energy efficiency, but it also gives you peace of mind, knowing you can adjust settings from anywhere, anytime.

7. Prepare for the Unexpected 

Finally, always have a contingency plan in place. Despite our best efforts, the unpredictable nature of summer storms and extreme heat waves can take a toll on rooftop units. Ensure you have the contact information for repair services on hand and consider setting aside a budget for emergency repairs.

By following this checklist, you’re not just protecting your rooftop units; you’re ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of your customers, maintaining operational efficiency, and saving on costly emergency repairs. Summer can be a tough season, but with a little preparation, your rooftop units can weather the storm, keeping your spaces cool and inviting, no matter the heat outside.

So, gear up, facility managers, and let’s make this summer a breeze for our rooftop units!